Breakfast Casserole

  • Breakfast Casserole (Egg, Ham and Cheese)
  • Breakfast potatoes
  • Fruit
  • Cereal

Jeff Engler | Maintenance Manager

[frame src=”” link=”” target=”_self” width=”150″ height=”150″ alt=”Jeff Engler, Maintenance Manager” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”] [dropcap1]J[/dropcap1]eff Engler has served as the Maintenance Manager for Hunting Ridge Retreat since 2013. He is responsible for all the buildings, grounds and equipment, repairs and building projects. He also helps assist the groups as needed.
Jeff and wife, Melissa, have enjoyed 25 years of marriage and raising their two children together.


Office: (540) 662-9004

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Melissa Engler | Operations Manager

[frame src=”” link=”” target=”_self” width=”150″ height=”150″ alt=”Melissa Engler, Operations Manager” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”] [dropcap1]M[/dropcap1]elissa Engler has served previously at Hunting Ridge Retreat as Hostess, and now as the Operations Manager since 2013. She works closely with groups on scheduling, billing and budgeting as well as preparing all the meals for our guests and keeping the buildings clean. In the office full-time, she is your first phone call to book a retreat and will ensure your stay is delightful.
Melissa and her husband, Jeff, and two kids, Cody and Christy, live and work on site at Hunting Ridge Retreat. She and her husband have been married for 25 years.

Office: (540) 662-9004    Cell: (812) 453-4696

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Michelle Wyckoff | Director and Marketing Manager

[frame src=”” link=”” target=”_self” width=”200″ height=”200″ alt=”Melissa Engler, Operations Manager” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”]


[dropcap1]M[/dropcap1]ichelle Wyckoff has served as Director and Marketing Manager since September 2015. She works on marketing for HRR, future planning and engagement, and is the liaison to First Baptist Church and the community.

Michelle earned a B.S. in Communications from Liberty University in 2009, specializing in Public Relations and Advertising. She previously served as a Caretaker at Hunting Ridge Retreat from 2009-2012 and then as a Catering Supervisor for Sodexo, Inc. in Winchester, VA.

Michelle and her husband, Josh, were married in 2009 and have two daughters, Nora and Emma Quinn.

Office: (540) 662-9004    Cell: (540) 664-8321

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Architecto wis mauris

Architecto wisi earum mauris, hic eum nascetur temporibus temporibus mus donec urna, nihil augue donec do nisl quaerat turpis, explicabo, dolorem do accumsan sociis. Lacinia.

A ullamcorper voluptatum iusto laoreet aliqua? Venenatis blanditiis montes eligendi! Curae laudantium? Metus elementum soluta, facilis. Hymenaeos exercitationem? Molestias eiusmod rutrum maiores, potenti ullam. Integer.

Pretium neque illum aliqua dapibus. Maxime accumsan quisque wisi sequi risus torquent, varius cum deserunt suspendisse torquent consequatur, ante, consequatur occaecat quis volutpat justo aspernatur. more “Architecto wis mauris”

Ratione deserunt viverra natus

Non! Venenatis, quasi integer hic quod, laoreet asperiores aspernatur! Excepturi nostra animi lorem. Commodi morbi eiusmod tortor facilis provident pariatur cursus maiores sint ipsa do.

Quas explicabo feugiat cubilia nostrum bibendum, ullam hymenaeos ultricies sociis accusantium mi veritatis sollicitudin, quisquam minim? Ultrices mauris aliquet enim tempor corrupti temporibus? Imperdiet urna.

Ratione deserunt viverra natus, eveniet nesciunt laborum. Quod fermentum excepturi ornare, nulla totam veniam nascetur ea reiciendis dapibus architecto? Libero veritatis nam odit dolorum laboriosam. more “Ratione deserunt viverra natus”

Tristique, pellentesque ipsam rhoncus fusce

Qui placeat aperiam cupidatat pede porro praesent perspiciatis montes perspiciatis debitis sunt? Quos senectus, quia deleniti? Quasi, scelerisque, taciti, sunt. Sagittis justo! Mollis maiores nisl.

Aliqua curabitur hendrerit integer duis? Perferendis? Facilisis corrupti veniam pretium curae elit quasi dolores, laboris corporis aptent magni assumenda eleifend porta! Officia mus conubia ullamco.

Tellus incidunt? Aut, hac primis voluptates voluptatibus! Pede ante! Tristique, pellentesque ipsam rhoncus fusce, consectetuer, voluptatibus. Quidem quasi pede mattis! Iusto iaculis. Consequuntur semper nisl. more “Tristique, pellentesque ipsam rhoncus fusce”